Our Top-Rated Tutors Have Been Helping Students Succeed Since 1980. Now They're Online.
Is Your Child’s School Coming Up Short This Year?
"The tutoring at Score is above and beyond anything we have experienced. We have received basically around the clock support from these incredible tutors for both of my children. Such a classy, well run tutoring center with customer service being top notch. I can’t say enough great things about their accredited school program as well as the advising and tutoring at Score at the Top."
- Austin Klein
Better Tutors Who Ensure Better Grades
1-On-1 Instruction, Whenever, Wherever
Expertise In All Subjects And Grades
Is Your Child’s School in Florida Coming Up Short This Year?
Is home-based schooling becoming a challenge for you?
Is your child falling behind or dedicated to getting ahead?
Is your child struggling with online learning?
Would you like tutoring and test prep from a single source?
Does your child need the benefits of 1-on-1 learning?
Do you want accredited teaching to finish the year?
Whatever challenges you’re experiencing with school, our experts can help.
Accredited, Remote Learning Can Help Secure Your Child’s Future, Today.
Personalized Teaching
Our parents report higher grades, engagement, enthusiasm, and overall well-being.
Interaction Without Compromise
We use simple collaboration software that offers in-person teaching capabilities.
Specialized Instructors
Subject-matter experts from our 6 school locations ensure top guidance across any topic.
Score At The Top Helps Students Thrive In Any Area
Social Science/History
SAT/ACT Test Prep
AP Courses
Courses For Credit
Study Skills
LD/ADHD Support
College Planning
Whatever challenges you’re experiencing with school, our experts can help.
Our tutoring solutions aren’t about passing: they’re about mastery
Whether your child is falling behind or working to get ahead, at Score At The Top, amazing results are achieved every day. Our expert academic tutoring programs provide students with all of the tools they need to succeed. As a professional academic tutoring company, we combine three essential elements to achieve success: academic expertise, engaging professional tutors, and encouragement. We focus on instilling students with a love of learning and inspire them to score at the top of their potential.
Our students have been accepted to all of these universities...
Don't just take our word for it—read reviews from real clients
"My daughter has really benefited from the tutors and college guidance experts at Score at the Top. Has really helped her excel in school and also fine tune her college essays. We are all impressed with the high level of professionalism and highly recommend their services. Thank you."
- Dan Meister
"Score At The Top has offered my daughter high quality tutoring in her most challenging classes. She is enjoying going and it has helped her achieve high test scores. I highly recommend them."
- Dr. AnnMarie Semich

Start Online Tutoring with Score At The Top in Three Easy Steps
Call us at (561) 907-8649 or fill out the form below.
We'll assess your needs and come up with a strategy.
Get paired with a tutor and get started asap!