Private SAT & PSAT Tutoring in Florida
Efficient and effective ACT prep for your child in Florida
Do you want the most efficient and effective PSAT or SAT prep for your child? Then our private test-prep tutoring is the right choice!
Flourish with 1-on-1 attention
Flexible curriculum focuses on your specific needs
Practice with actual SATs or PSATs
Turn weaknesses into strengths
Build confidence
Maximize SAT and PSAT score gains
Because we firmly believe in close collaboration with parents, our tutors email them a session summary report after every test-prep tutoring session.
Finding the Best Tutor
Matching your child’s learning style and personality to a great tutor is a top priority. Our Florida tutors take the SAT and ACT every year and score in the top 5% – so they truly understand the test-taking process!
Finding a Partner for Semi-Private Sessions
Some students like to prepare for the SAT or PSAT with a compatible student whose needs are similar. In addition to creating “friendly competition” with a peer, semi-private students receive virtually the same individualized attention as private students, but at a reduced cost.
Student Materials
Actual SATs or PSATs with detailed scoring analysis
Focused drills with hundreds of real SAT or PSAT questions
Score At The Top’s comprehensive SAT Strategy Workbook ©
Free Simulated SAT and PSAT Administration also included!