Bright Futures Scholarship FAQ
In 1997, the Florida Legislature created the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program to reward students for their academic achievements during high school by providing funding to attend post-secondary education in Florida.
To qualify for a Bright Futures Scholarship, a student must graduate from a Florida public high school or a registered Florida Department of Education private high school. However, homeschooled students, GED recipients, and students who go to school out of state due to a parent’s military or public service assignment may still qualify for a Bright Futures Scholarship.
A student must apply during senior year in high school (beginning December 1) by completing the Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA) available on the Internet at www.FloridaStudentFinancialAid.org. This application gives the Department of Education permission to evaluate the student’s high school transcripts for Bright Futures eligibility. A student who does not apply during senior year will forfeit all future eligibility.
As of July 2013, students are no longer required to submit the FAFSA for Bright Futures.
Additional documentation is required for homeschooled, GED, and out-of-state applicants.
Applicants will receive a user ID and PIN so they can access the Office of Student Financial Assistance website – www.FloridaStudentFinancialAid.org – to monitor the status of their Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application and award. If you have questions, call the Office of Student Financial Assistance at (888) 827-2004.
Each of the three Bright Futures Scholarships has its own academic eligibility requirements, award amounts and funding length. A student may receive funding for only one award – the highest one earned. In addition to meeting specific program eligibility requirements, students must also meet Florida Student Financial Aid for receipt of state aid.
Public high school stuClick here to download the Florida Bright Futures Brochure (PDF)dents may access their Bright Futures evaluation on FACTS.org. This web access allows them to review their academic progress toward meeting initial eligibility requirements and their progress toward meeting State University System course requirements for admission.
Click here to download the Florida Bright Futures Brochure (PDF)