Courses for Credit in Florida
Credit Recovery • Accelerated Courses • Full Curriculum
Accredited by Cognia, Score Academy offers students individual courses for credit in a 1-on-1 or small group setting. Our programs cover all grades and subjects, including remedial, regular, honors, and AP (Advanced Placement) courses. Our curriculum and staff have been AP certified by the College Board, enabling us to offer the full range of AP courses. In addition, the NCAA Eligibility Center accepts our core academic courses, allowing athletes to incorporate these grades into their eligibility GPA.
We offer courses for credit throughout the school year and during the summer. Because our schooling is so individualized, we can schedule courses at a student’s convenience – during the day, after school, evenings, weekends – and students can start a course with us at any time.
Because Score At The Top is accredited by Cognia, our credits have been accepted by schools and colleges throughout the country. We issue an official transcript for all courses completed with us and work collaboratively with a student’s sending school.
We are also approved proctors for nationally recognized distance-education programs offered by University of Nebraska, BYU, and University of Missouri, among others.
Time Commitment & Schedule
A full-year (one-credit) course comprises about 100 hours with an instructor, a one-semester course approximately half that time. The arranged schedule meets the needs of the student: the work can be spread over the summer, a semester or school year, or completed in a few weeks of intensive instruction. We even offer courses for credit through our virtual learning environment. We’ll create a schedule that works best for you.
Open Enrollment
We register students on a rolling basis throughout the year, including the summer. In fact, it’s not unusual to meet with a parent one day and start the student in classes a day or two later. We recognize the importance of continuity of education and set up a schedule to get the student started as soon as possible.
Our Curriculum
Score At The Top matches the curriculum to the student’s learning style and needs. We utilize course materials and textbooks from accredited distance-education providers as well as those from a student’s hometown public or private school. We also create our own curriculum when appropriate. Our AP courses have been certified by the College Board, and the NCAA Eligibility Center accepts our core academic courses.
Our Teachers
We are degreed experts with extensive subject knowledge and significant academic tutoring or teaching experience. We possess a passion for teaching coupled with a thorough understanding of our subjects, study skills, and effective communication. Teaching 1-on-1 based upon a student’s unique learning style, or in a small group with varying learning styles, requires intelligence and sensitivity – and we at Score At The Top have it. Because our learning community relies as much on our outgoing personalities as it does on our academic expertise, you’ll find that our enthusiasm for teaching and learning is contagious. We truly engage a student in the learning process.
Some of us are firm – keeping strict standards to maximize a student’s performance; others are tender and nurturing – coaxing a student through difficult, sometimes anxiety-inducing work. Your child’s personality and learning style will be matched with the right teacher. This will create the best environment in which your child can excel.
Parent Communication
After each class, your child’s teacher will prepare a session recap. Once reviewed by the Head of School, the recap will be emailed to you. The recap will contain a summary of the material covered, your child’s level of understanding, the homework grade from the previous day and the next homework assignment, as well as a rating of the student's energy, preparation, and progress.
Score At The Top issues an official transcript that includes each completed course. Teacher conferences can be scheduled, and the Head of School is available at any time to discuss your child's progress, curriculum, teachers, and schedule.
Why Take a Course for Credit at Score At The Top?
Students may need to supplement their regular school curricula for a variety of reasons, including:
Credit recovery
Curriculum strengthening
GPA improvement
NCAA eligibility
Advancement to a higher-level course
Graduation requirement
Special interest in a subject not offered in school
Scheduling conflict in school
Need for summer school
Our exceptional variety of courses for credit caters to every educational need.
If your child received a low grade in a course, he or she can take it again for credit recovery in a classroom of two: your child and the teacher. This 1-on-1 setting provides an outstanding environment in which to learn at a perfect pace. Many students discover newfound talent by conquering a failed subject. Self-esteem and confidence are strengthened, positively changing attitudes toward future subjects. A 1-on-1 course for credit becomes a turning point in the student’s life and impacts academics in college and beyond.
Alternatively, if your child is pursuing a challenging academic program and needs another course to bolster a curriculum, Score At The Top provides the perfect opportunity for a supplemental course – perhaps one not currently offered in your child’s school or that would not fit into your child’s school schedule. We even offer courses that meet transcript requirements for entry into a magnet program at a choice public school. Our courses for credit can accelerate your child’s education toward meeting the highest college-admission criteria.
To boost a core GPA for NCAA eligibility, a student may take additional courses at Score At The Top, because our academic courses have been approved by the NCAA Eligibility Center.
When your child has an interest in a subject not currently offered at school, Score At The Top can take your child through one course or an entire sequence of special-interest courses, such as Chinese.
Sometimes a child finds a teacher hard to connect with, making learning difficult. Families then choose to have their children take the course one-on-one at Score at the Top. We’ll ensure that your child’s learning style and personality find a compatible fit with one of our teachers.
To accelerate to a higher level in a particular subject area, your child can add that extra course through Score At The Top. Consider, for example, a student who is scheduled to take Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Pre-calculus in each year of high school. That student who decides to pursue engineering or business in college will also need Calculus – but it won’t fit into this 4-year sequence. Score At The Top to the rescue! Take one of the first four courses with us to accelerate the curriculum, making room for Calculus during the senior year.
If your child would like to take a course together with classmates, we can easily arrange a small-group class.
Programs, positive reinforcement, and personalities that shine are but a few of the many elements we offer your family through our course offerings.