Prepare with the experts!

Register for our 7-Week SAT Test-Taking Strategy Workshop at Taravella High School 

  • Practice exclusively with real tests!

  • Master time-management & multiple-choice test-taking strategies

  • Review frequently tested math concepts

  • Focus on active reading strategies

  • Reinforce commonly tested grammar concepts

  • Gain test-taking confidence

Cost: $250/Student

"I attended the Workshop at Suncoast and was thrilled with the experience. They were very helpful and I felt confident going into the actual test. I was quite happy with a score of 1400 on my first try. Since my curriculum at SHS has me in more advanced math than what is covered in SAT, I found the math review invaluable for my success on the test. I think anyone who wants to do well on the SAT should take your prep workshop."

- Anastasia Valimaki

Register for the Taravella Test Prep Workshop!

Date Time Notes Homework Due Location
Tuesday, January 23rd 3:15-5:15 pm Class None Taravella
Saturday January 27th 8:30 am – 12 pm SAT Simulation None Online over Zoom
Tuesday, January 30th 3:15-5:15 pm Class 1st Simulation Taravella
Tuesday, February 6th 3:15-5:15 pm Class Linear Test 2 Taravella
Tuesday, February 13th 3:15-5:15 pm Class Linear Test 3 Taravella
Tuesday, February 20th 3:15-5:15 pm Class Bluebook Test 2 Taravella
Tuesday, February 27th 3:15-5:15 pm Class Bluebook Test 3 Taravella
Saturday, March 2nd 8:30 am – 12 pm SAT Simulation None Online over Zoom
Monday, March 4th 3:15-5:15 pm Class 2nd Simulation Taravella
Tuesday, March 5th 3:15-5:15 pm Class None Taravella

Register now:

""I am very very happy ! Score at the Top supervised my daughter for the college applications and results are much above our expectations!"

- Antonella Tosti

"Thank you all for helping us and providing college guidance."

- Marcy Mills-Matthews

"In this area, when a few months of a child's life can have such an impact long term, it is comforting my son is in good hands and I think he has a chance to get into a top program. It is such a relief we made the right choice."

- Omar Chaljub