Practice for the SAT and ACT tests in a virtual testing environment.
See how your scores measure up to your top-choice colleges in Florida — and learn from your mistakes—before it matters.
We offer timed, proctored test simulations for the SAT and ACT on select weekends, starting at 8:30 AM (simulations run approximately 3 hours). Because students are taking full-length tests, timed and proctored, and under actual testing conditions, these simulations are as close as you can get to the real thing without becoming part of an official record.
In addition to a test score, students can get a detailed analysis of their performance.
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"The tutoring my daughter received at Score at the Top helped to improve her ACT score. She is now finishing up her 1st year at the University of Florida..."
- Kristin Burke
"Score At The Top has done a fantastic job providing math and SAT tutoring for our family..."
- Harrison Paul
"My son had the best experience... wish we knew about them sooner. Increased his ACT score four points in two months... Carlos and Bob outstanding.Thank you..."
- Andrea Fina