ACT Test Prep Tutors in Florida
Strategic ACT Prep Courses — So, Your Teen Can Ace the Test.
Score At The Top provides students with the most innovative, creative, and successful ACT test prep course in South Florida and online. Available through small group, custom group, private, and semi-private sessions, our cutting-edge tutoring for the ACT exam achieves results that speak for themselves.
Our curriculum was designed by Score At The Top’s founder, Judi Robinovitz, who spent 23 years working for Educational Testing Service, the world’s largest private educational testing organization. There is no one better than Score At The Top at preparing students for the ACT and other standardized tests!
Acing the ACT
The ACT test is arguably the most popular college entrance exam in the country.The results of this exam are accepted and valued by all colleges and universities in the US. It covers everything students learn in high school. It provides a great insight into each student’s academic strength, especially in five core areas: english, math, science, reading, and writing.
ACT Strategies From the Experts
Our classes and tutoring in Southern Florida employ a curriculum designed by our founder, Judi Robinovitz. Her impressive credentials include working in the Educational Testing Service for more than two decades and providing consulting to the College Board.
In her years with the Board, she wrote the Board’s first test-prep software and strategy chapters of the first test-prep books. The Board, however, scaled back the books because Judi’s strategies were too insightful!
With Judi’s expertise on our side, we are able to provide the best ACT exam preparation a high school student can get in Florida. Learn these strategies and skills from our expert ACT tutors:
Build grammar skills
Become an active reader & improve reading comprehension
Review the most commonly tested algebra, geometry and trigonometry concepts
Learn math shortcuts to save time and improve accuracy on the ACT
Learn how to write a top-scoring essay
Master our time-saving approach to science reasoning
Practice exclusively with free ACT practice tests
Use our proprietary workbook filled with the best test-taking strategies
Personalized Test Prep Settings
Our interactive sessions focus on familiarity, content, and the test-taking strategies students will need to score at the top of their potential.
Ready to take the next step?
Call (844) 438-1600 to schedule an ACT test prep tutor.
ACT Success Through Our Curriculum
As our curriculum was designed by an expert, our preparation courses don’t merely focus on helping the student pass the exam — the classes aim to give your teen the mastery they need to confidently ace the test, as well.
A comfortable but lively pace provides a significant opportunity for questions and answers. We begin with an overview of the ACT and then introduce the most effective strategies for each of the ACT’s question types in reading, math, science reasoning, and writing skills. Students use their newfound strategies to solve and then discuss each type of actual exam question.
To make sure your teen does well on the ACT test, Score At The Top offers various solutions to make test-takers more comfortable with their tutoring experience, including:
During our tutoring sessions we work to increase self-confidence, knowledge and conceptualization of the topics. The skills your student will learn are as important for the ACT exam as they are in school and life.
Qualified and Experienced ACT Tutors
At Score At The Top, our expert curriculum is delivered by talented ACT test prep tutors. From our leadership team to our local tutors, we only work with the most dedicated and experienced professionals.
In many cases, our tutors are teachers or former teachers. They combine real-world teaching experience with the Score At The Top expert curriculum to identify ACT success strategies that match your teen’s learning style.
Advantages of In-Person or Online ACT Tutoring
Because standardized tests emphasize critical reading and writing, it’s especially important to heighten students’ awareness of the reading and grammar skills needed for this test and in life. A thorough review of the most commonly tested math concepts is integrated into our ACT curriculum, with significant emphasis on effective computational shortcuts, time-saving approaches, and valuable checking strategies.
In addition, students do homework in preparation for each session, typically consisting of a full-length actual ACT or selected test sections, math and science-reasoning drills, and/or outside reading.
These sessions are offered day or night to provide online or in-person tutoring at times that are most convenient for your family. You may not be able to make time for an after-school session, but weekend tutoring time can provide the resources your teen needs. For other families, online sessions in the evening offer the best ACT tutoring.
Take the Next Step With Score At The Top
With the best ACT tutors and curriculum in Southern Florida, Score At The Top students truly become ACT smart! Contact us today to be matched with one of our highly trained tutors.
Ready to take the next step?
Call (844) 438-1600 to schedule an ACT test prep tutor.
What is the ACT?
The ACT, a curriculum-based standardized test for college admission in the USA, is given by the Iowa-based company formerly known as American College Testing, and now called ACT, Inc. The test is used in college admissions in the same way as the SAT. In use since 1959, the ACT is considered an indicator of academic aptitude and readiness to enter college. Although the ACT is not as well-known as the SAT, it is almost as widespread – every college that accepts the SAT also accepts the ACT for admission, scholarships, and honors programs.
The ACT was originally conceived as an examination of achievement. Historically, the SAT had been more popular among colleges on the East and West Coasts and the ACT more popular in the Midwest and South. However, all that has changed, as the two tests are now equally accepted by all colleges that require standardized test scores for admission. In fact, there are a number of high-profile colleges that will accept just the single ACT composite score in place of a combination of SAT Reasoning and Subject Tests.
In February 2005, an optional essay was added to the end of the ACT, mirroring changes made to the SAT in March of that year. Not all colleges require the essay, so it's a good idea for the student to check with colleges to find out if the essay is required. The test takes almost 3½ hours with the essay and just under 3 hours without it.
Some students who perform poorly on the SAT find that they perform better on the ACT and vice versa. In fact, because the ACT is based on what is taught in the high school curriculum, some students are more comfortable with the ACT than they are with the SAT. In actuality, approximately ⅓ of students perform better on the ACT, ⅓ perform better on the SAT, and ⅓ perform exactly the same on both tests. To help determine which may be the better test for a student, click on SAT vs ACT – Which is the better test for you?
How is the ACT organized and scored?
The ACT consists of 4 multiple-choice achievement tests and an optional essay. It lasts about 3½ hours (plus breaks), and the tests are always arranged in the same order:
Scoring is a 4-step process based ONLY on the answers you get right:
RAW SCORES for English, math, reading, and science reasoning are calculated as the number of correct answers in each test. The highest RAW SCORES correspond to the number of questions in each test:
The Perfect ACT: # Questions | # Correct | Test Score | |
English | 75 | 75 | 36 |
Math | 60 | 60 | 36 |
Reading | 40 | 40 | 36 |
Science Reasoning | 40 | 40 | 36 |
Composite | 215 | 215 | 36 |
RAW SCORES for English, math, reading, and science reasoning are converted* to TEST SCORES ranging from 1 to 36.
The four TEST SCORES for English, math, reading, and science reasoning are averaged together to get the COMPOSITE SCORE. A perfect COMPOSITE SCORE of 36 does not necessarily reflect a perfect answer sheet. That's because the average is rounded up if it ends in ½ or more. A student could have scores of 36, 36, 35, and 35, or even 36, 36, 36, and 34 and still get a COMPOSITE SCORE of 36. On most tests, a student can miss as many as 3 questions and still earn a perfect score. The COMPOSITE SCORE is the important one. It's the one colleges typically use to make admission decisions. However, depending on a student's intended major, certain scores could be more important than others (e.g., the math and science reasoning scores tend to be more important for future engineers than the English and reading scores.)
Additional scores are generated if a student writes the optional essay. It is scored by two readers who read the essay holistically (for an overall impression), and independently give the essay four specific “writing domain” scores (Ideas and Analysis, Development and Support, Organization, and Language Use and Conventions) in the 1-6 range. The two readers' scores for each domain are added together and appear on the score report along with a Writing Score on a scale of 2-12. The domain scores don’t necessarily add up to the Writing Score. The Writing Score is not averaged into the Composite Score.
* Score conversions tables are developed for each test, which means that:
The conversion tables effectively "scale" a test, taking into account the difficulty level of the particular test and the ability level of the test takers.
If a test is somewhat more difficult than, say, the test given a few months earlier, then the scale is raised a bit.
If a particular test is easier, the scale is dropped a bit.
It doesn't matter when or where a student takes the ACT, because conversion makes all scores comparable.
In 2016, the national average ACT scores were:
Composite | English | Math | Reading | Science |
20.8 | 20.1 | 20.6 | 21.3 | 20.8 |
How is the ACT used in college admissions?
For the majority of colleges, the ACT (or SAT) score is the second most important factor in college admissions, second only to the combination of a student's curriculum and grades throughout high school. Of roughly 800 colleges that do not require a test score for admission, only about three dozen are selective liberal arts colleges (e.g., Bates, Bowdoin, Holy Cross, Franklin & Marshall, Mount Holyoke, Rollins, Sarah Lawrence, Wake Forest, to name a few). Chances are that most students will apply to colleges where test scores are vital to the admissions decision. And several of these test-optional colleges require a test score for scholarship consideration.
If a student chooses to report ACT scores rather than SAT scores when applying to college, he or she must contact ACT (www.actstudent.org) to send an official score report to each college (unless the student already did that when registering for the test). The ACT score report contains a single set of four subscores (one from each of the test's four sections), a writing score, a combined English/writing score, and the Composite Score (the average of the four subscores). With only one set of such scores on the ACT score report, the student can automatically suppress unwanted scores from other test dates. Most colleges do not "super score" the ACT. That is, they tend not to select the highest subscores from multiple ACT administrations, which is why the official ACT score report contains the scores from only one ACT administration. (This is in direct contrast to the SAT, where most colleges "super score" by selecting the best subscores from multiple SAT administrations.) Remember, calling colleges is the best way to determine their ACT policies.
Admission records show that a score near the top of the mid-50% range for a college's accepted students plus a strong curriculum with good grades and meaningful extracurricular commitments will significantly improve a student's chances for admission.
The ACT (and SAT) scores are used for more than just college admissions. They may be used to help determine financial aid, scholarships (like Florida's Bright Futures), admission into honors programs, and placement in freshman courses.
How do colleges use the ACT writing & essay scores?
After the addition of the optional essay to the ACT in 2005, some colleges started using it to make admission decisions, others took a wait-and-see attitude, and still others did not require it. Since policies vary widely among colleges, students should call each college to which they are applying to determine how the essay score is used. Some of the more popular uses of the essay score include:
Evaluating a student's writing ability in the context of college admissions – counting the essay score as much as the composite score, or perhaps counting it a bit less
Making placement decisions for freshman writing courses
Comparing a student's ACT essay with his or her college application essays
Colleges are able to access and read a student's scanned, handwritten essay.
Interestingly, some colleges, like Georgetown, do not use the essay score at all! In any case, it is important for students to master the skills necessary to do their best on the essay portion of the test since writing is a vital skill for college and beyond. And remember: all colleges will receive the ACT essay score of a student who took that section of the ACT, even if the colleges don't require it or say they don't use it.
Recommended testing calendar: PSAT, SAT, ACT, SAT Subject Tests
Download our recommended testing calendar
What does it take to get into a state university in Florida?
Download our recommened PDF: What does it take to get into a state university in Florida?
When should my child start preparing for the ACT? How much test-prep is needed?
For most students, effective ACT preparation should begin the summer after tenth grade – and continue until a student has taken his or her final ACT. There is no limit to the number of times a student may take the ACT, but he or she should prepare for each one or risk diminished results. The ACT score report is not a cumulative report containing all of a student's ACT scores; rather, it contains the scores from only one test administration selected by the student. Thus, some students may even want to start preparing for and taking the ACT before the end of the sophomore year.
With all the tests your child may be taking in high school – PSAT, SAT, SAT Subject Tests, PLAN, ACT, AP, IB, AICE – it is vital to have a game plan, and the earlier it is established, the better. In fact, some families begin their 8th and 9th graders with us, building their reading and vocabulary skills with our TestWise program.
When you call Score At The Top, you'll talk to our specially trained director, your personal guide to the test-preparation process at Score At The Top. He or she will suggest a plan of action – small group, private, and/or semi-private lessons – with a timeline and program to bring out the best in your child. The action plan may also contain a recommendation for our SAT vs ACT Assessment Test that can help a student determine which is the better test for him or her, and thus avoid having to take – and prep for – both tests.
How will Score At The Top work with my child to get a "good" score?
Baseline testing provides us with excellent information about your child's needs; tutor experience brings intuitive understanding of how to help your child obtain the best test results. We carefully select the right tutor, and after measuring your child's baseline test scores, we design a test-preparation program based on a student's goals and our four-pronged approach:
Test familiarity
Test content
Test-taking strategies
Your child will do an in-depth content review with one of our seasoned test-prep tutors, learn how to avoid making careless errors, capitalize on strengths and reduce weaknesses, master timing and other test-taking strategies, and develop enhanced self-confidence. You'll receive email updates about your child's progress after each tutoring session.
With more than 30 years of experience, we can tell you that test preparation can be tremendously worthwhile. At Score At The Top, we deliver your child to the door of the exam room ready to achieve a personal best, and feeling positive about facing this rite of passage. To us, and to the thousands of parents who have sought us out, this is the essence of scoring at the top!
How much of an ACT score gain can be expected?
Students who take the ACT more than once tend to gain one composite score point, on average, from one test administration to the next. However, ACT research shows that of the students who took the ACT more than once:
55% increased their composite score on the retest
22% had no change in their composite score on the retest
23% decreased their composite score on the retest
Most students who seriously prepare for the ACT with us should expect significant score gains of 3+ composite score points. And some of our motivated students have enjoyed gains of over 10 composite score points! Here's the "double-edged sword": some of our students have achieved such impressive score gains that they were challenged by ACT and had to re-take the test to prove the legitimacy of their higher scores! While the above results reflect score gains we have observed, we do not guarantee score gains.