HSPT Prep Center
Score At The Top is the premier choice for preparing students for the HSPT
Score At The Top provides students with the most innovative, creative, and successful tutoring for the HSPT, the Catholic school entrance exam. Our cutting-edge test-taking strategies achieve results that speak for themselves. There is no one better than Score At The Top for preparing students for the HSPT!
Do more than just practice... Learn HSPT test-taking strategies from the experts:
Build your working vocabulary
Become an active reader & improve your reading comprehension
Review the most commonly tested math concepts
Learn math shortcuts to save time & improve accuracy
Private HSPT Tutoring Center
Do you want the most efficient and effective HSPT prep for your child? Then our private tutoring program is the right choice!
Flourish with 1-on-1 attention
Focus on your specific needs through our flexible curriculum
Turn weaknesses into strengths
Build confidence
Maximize HSPT scores
Our HSPT tutoring sessions are designed to make test-takers more comfortable with the test-taking experience, to increase their scores and self-confidence, and to teach skills that are as important in school and life as they are on the HSPT. Our interactive sessions focus on test familiarity, content, and the test-taking strategies needed to score at the top of their potential. We move along at a comfortable but lively pace that offers constant opportunity for questions and answers. We begin with an overview of the HSPT and proceed to introduce the most effective strategies for each of the test’s question types in vocabulary, reading, math, and writing skills. As each question type is examined, students use their newfound strategies to solve and then discuss HSPT questions. Because the HSPT emphasizes critical reading and writing, it’s especially important to heighten students’ awareness of the reading, vocabulary, and grammar skills needed for these tests... as well as in life. Thus, we take a long-term view, motivating students to become word conscious and showing them how to work towards improved critical thinking as well as active reading and writing skills. A thorough review of the most commonly tested math concepts is integrated into the curricula, with significant emphasis on effective shortcuts, time-saving approaches, and valuable checking strategies. Students do homework in preparation for each session; that homework typically consists of a full-length test or selected test sections, vocabulary-building, math drills, and/or outside reading. With confidence-building incorporated into every session, Score At The Top students truly become test smart!
Because we firmly believe in collaboration and close contact with parents, our tutors email them a summary report after every HSPT tutoring session.
Finding the Best Tutor
Matching your learning style and personality to a great tutor is our top priority. Our tutors take the SAT and other standardized entrance exams every year and score in the top 5% – so they truly understand the test-taking process!
Finding a Partner for Semi-Private Sessions
Some students like to prepare for the HSPT with a compatible student whose needs are similar. In addition to creating “friendly competition” with a peer, semi-private students receive virtually the same individualized attention as private students, but at a reduced cost. Sign up for HSPT prep with a friend or let us match you to a great partner.
Student Materials
Simulated HSPTs with detailed scoring analysis
Focused drills with hundreds of test questions
What is the HSPT?
The HSPT (High School Placement Test), administered by Scholastic Testing Service, is a comprehensive placement test taken by 8th graders seeking admission to Catholic high schools.
The HSPT is a test of cognitive and basic skills: verbal and quantitative skills, reading, mathematics, and language. Optional tests in science, mechanical aptitude, and Catholic religion may also be included. The HSPT should only be taken once; if a student takes it more than once, the lower score is considered the official score.
The standard HSPT lasts just over 2½ hours and contains 298 multiple-choice questions divided into five sections:
Section | Time & # Questions | Content |
Verbal | 16 minutes / 60 questions | Synonyms, antonyms, analogies, logic, verbal classifications |
Quantitative | 30 minutes / 52 questions | Series, geometric & non-geometric comparisons, number manipulations |
Reading | 25 minutes / 62 questions | Ability to understand central meanings and details of reading passages |
Mathematics | 45 minutes / 64 questions | Mathematical concepts & problem- solving, arithmetic, elementary algebra, basic geometry |
Language Skills | 25 minutes / 60 questions | Capitalization & punctuation, spelling, usage, composition |
Each correct answer on the HSPT is worth one point. There is no penalty for wrong answers. The raw score (total number of points earned) is converted to a scaled score ranging from 200 to 800 (similar to the SAT) and a corresponding percentile rank.