FSA Prep
Do more than just practice...learn FSA test-taking strategies from the experts!
Do more than just practice... Learn FSA test-taking strategies from the experts:
Become an active reader & improve your reading comprehension
Review the most commonly tested math concepts
Learn math shortcuts to save time & improve accuracy
Learn how to write a top-scoring FSA essay
When we prepare students for important standardized tests like the FSA, we bring into play decades of experience and cutting-edge strategies. No one is better than Score At The Top at providing private or semi-private FSA-prep sessions that focus on test content and vital test-taking strategies. You can count on us to help your child PASS THE FSA.
Private FSA Tutoring
Do you want the most efficient and effective FSA prep for your child? Then our private FSA tutoring program is the right choice!
Flourish with 1-on-1 attention
Focus on your specific needs with our flexible curriculum
Turn weaknesses into strengths
Build confidence
Maximize FSA scores
Because we firmly believe in collaboration and close contact with parents, our tutors email them a session summary report after every FSA tutoring session.
Finding the Best Tutor
Matching your learning style and personality to one of our seasoned test-prep tutors is our top priority.
Finding a Partner for Semi-Private Sessions
Some students like to prepare for the FCAT with a compatible student whose needs are similar. In addition to creating “friendly competition” with a peer, semi-private students receive virtually the same individualized attention as private students, but at a reduced cost. Sign up for FCAT prep with a friend or let us match you to a great partner.