EOC Test Prep
Our expert instructors will solidify your understanding and close those knowledge gaps EOC testing and summer make-ups.
Preparation is EVERYTHING!
Not only do End-Of-Course scores count for 30% of student grades, but you must achieve a scaled score of 3 or higher on the Algebra 1, Biology 1, Geometry and U.S. History, Civics in order to receive course/graduation credit. We can help!
We’re providing you with a comprehensive explanation of the testing content and scoring.
Our expert instructors will solidify your understanding and close those knowledge gaps before the May EOC testing and the summer make-ups. Multiplying polynomials? Identifying the significance of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points? Prokaryotic versus eukaryotic cells? Habeas Corpus?
Review for understanding important, commonly-tested math and science concepts
Review the most significant events in US History; learn to identify and organize crucial facts
Understand our federal government structure and its philosophical basis
Learn math tips and study skills that optimize your test-taking results
Stay abreast of the latest developments in Florida’s transition from the FCAT to the EOC model
Ensure that you’re on track to graduate
Score At The Top has more than twenty-years of experience providing exceptional educational support and resources for students taking standardized tests. In addition, no other test prep company is as committed, experienced and successful in its work with students with ADHD or other learning challenges. During Florida' shift from the FCAT, no one has felt the stress more acutely than students. In May of 2012, more than 58,000 Florida ninth-graders failed the Algebra 1 EOC, placing an extraordinary burden on Florida’s educational infrastructure and jeopardizing the futures of countless bright, young Floridians. Don’t let this happen to YOU!
What are the Florida End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments?
In 2011, the state of Florida began phasing out the FCAT, to be replaced by End-of-Course (EOC) assessments in the core subject areas of Algebra I, Biology I, Geometry, US History (introduced in 2013) and Civics (to be introduced in 2014). The EOC’s are designed to measure student achievement in accordance with the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) for specific courses. The assessments are part of the state of Florida’s strategic initiative for increasing student performance and preparing students for college and careers. The EOC’s are comprehensive exams taken typically during the last six weeks of the designated courses (Algebra I, Biology I, Geometry, US History and Civics).
What types of questions are on the EOC Assessments?
There are two types of EOC questions:
Multiple Choice – Standard test question format with four possible answer choices. Each multiple choice questions, for all EOC assessments, is designed to take approximately one minute to complete.
Gridded-response – Students enter values into a grid or in the space provided.
There is no essay component in the EOC test and, although the test is timed, the time allotments are designed to be sufficient for most students.
Multiple Choice:
US History
Algebra I
Biology I
Algebra I
EOC questions are organized based on their complexity:
Low complexity questions rely heavily on recognition and recollection. 10-20% of the total test questions will be low complexity questions on each of the EOC examinations, except for US history which includes 20-30% low complexity questions.
Moderate complexity questions rely more in informal, or intuitive, reasoning and require a greater degree of flexibility in thinking. For all EOC’s except US History, 60-80% of the questions will be moderate complexity items. The US History EOC will contain 45-65% moderate complexity items.
High complexity questions require analysis and abstract reasoning, such as inference. For all EOC’s except US History, 10-20% of the total questions will be high complexity questions. For US History, 15-25% will be high complexity questions.
What is tested on the US History EOC Exam?
Students taking the US History EOC will be given 160 minutes to complete the 50-60 test tasks on a CBT (computer-based test) platform. Students with learning disability accommodations, as stipulated in Individual Education Plans or Section 504 plans, will be provided with print or Braille versions of the US History EOC.
The US History EOC is designed to assess the retention and analytical abilities of students who have completed their studies of American history from the Civil War and Reconstruction period through US foreign policy in the 21st Century. In addition to the standard, question-and-answer task, students will be required to recognize the historical significance of newspaper clippings, songs, political cartoons and other written primary source materials. The breakdown of the US History EOC is as follows:
32%* Late 19th – Early 20th Century:
Civil War and Reconstruction
Challenges to American Farmers
Industrial Revolution
34%* Global Military, Political, and Economic Challenges (1890-1940)
US Imperialism
The Roaring 1920’s
Peace and Relief after WWI
Civil Rights Movement during the 1920’s and 1930’s
The Great Depression and the New Deal
32%* The US and the Defense of International Peace (1940-present)
Early Cold War (1945-1950)
Foreign Policy: Truman – Nixon
Post-WWII Domestic Prosperity
1960’s Foreign and Domestic Policy
The Civil Rights Movement
Significant Supreme Court Decisions
Modern US Foreign Policy (1972-present)
Into the 21st Century
*The remaining 2% of the test content concerns rudimentary inquiry and analysis skills for analyzing resources (political cartoons, newspaper headlines, etc.)
What is tested on the Biology I EOC Exam?
Students taking the Biology I EOC will be given 160 minutes to complete the 60-66 test tasks on a CBT (computer-based test) platform. Students with learning disability accommodations, as stipulated in Individual Education Plans or Section 504 plans, will be provided with print or Braille versions of the Biology I EOC.
This EOC is designed to assess a student’s knowledge of concepts presented in the Biology I course as stipulated by Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS). Test items are designed to assess the application of concepts learned in laboratory investigations, classroom exercises, and reading assignments, rather than the simple memorization of facts or the definition of terms. Students should be familiar with the periodic table of elements, which will be provided, and able to interpret data presented in charts, graphs and tables. The content of the Biology I EOC is broken down as follows:
35% Molecular and Cellular Biology:
Cell Theory
Cell Structure
DNA Replication
Mitosis and Meiosis
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Properties of Water
40% Organisms, Populations and Ecosystems:
Plant Structure
The Brain
Cardiovascular System
Immune System
Reproductive System
Population Size
Food Webs and Energy Transfer
Human Impact
25% Classification, Heredity and Evolution:
Origin of Life
Natural Selection
What is tested on the Algebra I EOC Exam?
Students taking the Algebra I EOC will be given 160 minutes to complete the 60-65 test tasks on a CBT (computer-based test) platform. Students with learning disability accommodations, as stipulated in Individual Education Plans or Section 504 plans, will be provided with print or Braille versions of the Algebra I EOC.
The Algebra I EOC is one of two EOC’s that employs a free-response (gridded) question format for approximately 1/3 of the test tasks (see example given above under the “What types of Questions are on the EOC Assessments?”-heading). On the exam, students will be expected to work with equations, functions, graphs, diagrams and tables using the skills acquired during the Algebra I course. Students will be provided with a four-function calculator and a list of common conversions and formulas for use during the exam. The Algebra I EOC’s content can be broken down as follows:
55% Functions:
Domain and Range
Solving Equations
Literal Equations
Multi-Step Equations
Graphing Lines
Line Equations
Model Data
20% Polynomials:
Dividing Polynomials
25% Rationals, Radicals, Quadratics and Discrete Mathematics:
Graphing Quadratic Equations
Solving Quadratic Equations
Set Operations
Venn Diagrams
What is tested on the Geometry EOC Exam?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.
How are the EOC Assessments scored and what are the requirements for graduation?
The results of Florida EOC Assessments come in the form of content area scores, scale scores and Achievement Levels. Content area scores are raw scores indicating exactly how many incorrect answers a student submitted within a content/question category. Content scores are converted to scale scores, which provide a standard for comparing students across different EOC exam administrations.
The scale score given for all EOC Assessments is a number between 325 and 475. Minimum passing scale scores for each test are as follows:
65% Two-Dimensional Geometry
20% Three-Dimensional Geometry
15% Trigonometry and Discrete Math
*The first year a new EOC Assessment is administered, students receive no scale score or Achievement Level, but instead a T-score of between 20 and 80 (50 is the median score).
Achievement Levels – 1-5
Level 5: Excellent
Level 4: Above Satisfactory
Level 3: Satisfactory
Level 2: Below Satisfactory
Level 1: Insufficient
Students must earn Achievements Levels of 3 or higher on each EOC Assessment in order to pass and DON’T FORGET: EOC Assessment scores count for 30% of a student’s grade in each respective course. If you have struggled through an EOC Assessment course, your scores are 3 or lower on practice tests, and/or you have failed a previously administered EOC – call us to discuss the ways we can help you or your child improve such that no one’s educational future is jeopardized. REMEMBER: Satisfactory EOC exam scores are required to graduate.
What else is important?
In 2013, the average Florida student answered less than half of the answers correctly on the Biology and Geometry EOC Assessments.
In 2013, more than half of Florida’s students failed the Algebra 1 EOC Assessment.
Students who fail EOC Assessments must take the exams until they pass in order to receive course credit and graduate.
Students who wish to retake EOC exams to improve their grades (as the EOC counts for 30% of a student’s grade) may do so only in school districts with grade forgiveness policies. Students who have taken EOC exams and passed may not take the exams again simply to improve scores.
Many Florida EOC Exams are held nearly six weeks before the school year officially ends, meaning that students need to start preparing for the EOC exams in March or early-April at the absolute latest.
The Civics EOC, which will be introduced in 2014, will be taken by middle school students who must earn satisfactory Achievement Levels in order to pass into high school.
Private school students who enroll in public schools will be required to the EOC exams even if coursework was completed in the private institution. Private school students must also take the official ePat Practice Tests before they will be allowed to sit for the actual EOC exams.
No other test scores may be substituted for EOC Assessment results (concordant SAT or ACT scores may still be substituted for some portions of the FCAT, but they may not stand in for EOC Assessment scores).
Legislation provides for a waiver of the EOC Assessments as a requirement for graduation for students with disabilities whose learning cannot be accurately measured by the statewide assessment. The IEP team may request a waiver.